Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I have two offices!

Last week I started working part time at WalterFedy, a consulting engineering firm in Kitchener that I had the pleasure of working with for two of my co-op terms, once in the mechanical department and the other in the civil department. Had I not been able to get NSERC funding for the USRA in the fall, I could have gone back to them for a co-op job since I liked their scope of work, the quality of work, and the office environment. When I had figured out that I'd have some time to spare before and after my travels this summer, I contacted them to some work, provided it would would around travels plans, finishing up my research work with the viscous damper and the new research work concerning the aluminum bridge as my masters' project.

It felt comfortable coming back, so much so that Brian taped a note to my monitor with the projects with work to be done, some of them were the same jobs as I had worked on 2 summers ago, though instead of the prelim design, they are now in the construction addenda stage. I got paraded around with the co-ops so that made me feel a little funny. Civil definitely has a busy summer ahead, I definitely won't be lacking in work despite there being one CAD student and one field/engineering student. The department is about 30% bigger than I remember it 2 years ago and the work is just increasing because they brought in some people with some pretty interesting niche talents.

At the same time, I have been looking to get the lab tests done on the viscous damper at UW. Apparently the department may already have some of the gear so I may be able to just patch the pieces they have rather than ordering all new stuff. Chances are it'd be a shorter wait time, ha.

I had made a quick stop at my office after my physio appointment, and sitting there made me sad that the shelving above my head was so dusty and disorganized. That is no longer a problem :) I like have a clean and organized work space. Taking care of both offices is kinda fun, I'm building up my emergency food reserves, the way I arrange stuff for super maximum efficientcy.

On the topic of arranging stuff, I should start thinking of how to pack smart for my trip... :D I'm so excited it's so soon!

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