Saturday, September 3, 2011

They're going back!

Labour Day weekend marks the end of summer vacation and the beginning of school. The back-to-school advertising innundates the radio, the mall, even Uptown Waterloo (and television for those who are familiar with this technology).

I went to Staples today to get UW Swing Club posters and flyers photocopied and definitely saw the kid-dragging-parent-to-gadgets happening and then parents-dragging-kids-to-loose-leaf. I used to work at Staples in the summer of 2006 selling computers, electronics and furniture. I definitely worked the back-to-school week (the pay was great). As I crossed the store to the backroom, I would approached by several frazzled parents about paper and stationary. Good thing I used to go to Staples a lot so that I could help them. I couldn't imagine actually working in this section at this time of year though. In electronics I did get the funny occurrences of parents asking if their elementary school child needs this calculator holding up a TI-89 graphing calculator.

Even though I started work last week, it will definitely feel busier this upcoming week with the frosh running around doing their orientation. This also means that the administration will be back in their offices after their vacation from those impetuous students who had academic terms in the spring :D. This also means that I can get a key for my office and keep the number of times that I'm locked outside my office to a justifiable two.

Tuesday evening, John and I are teaching a few beginner lindy lessons as part of the frosh Variety Night in the basement of the SLC. With these kind of events, the focus is to get the people socializing and having a silly time. It'd be awesome if they get excited about swing dancing and want to join the club, but I feel it's a fun event to be a part of regardless. Plus it's a chance for shy mathies and engineers to hold a person of the opposite gender. In other UW Swing Club news, it now has a twitter account at UWswing.

Thursday at lunchtime is the teams lunch for which I will be there with the 2013 captain to do a presentation, answer any questions the first years may have, and hopefully pick up a few members. As opposed to swing dancing for Variety Night, recruitment is more essential for GNCTR because we can use all the helping hands we can get for design/build/costumes.

On Thursday night, Giulio and I are going to try Tango/Cha cha at the Fred Astaire dance studio in Kitchener in light of a groupon that sold a group lesson, 2 private lessons, and a dance for $19. I have been interested in trying ballroom without the term-long committment of the UW club and I also didn't feel like spending much on this endeavour. Trying it out with a friend should be fun! :D.

I've heard really great things about Chantelle's initiatives to start a swing club at MUN in St. John's. I can't wait to see it when I go (eventually). She's got lesson plans, a website, a contact email, and spreading the word. That's really awesome and I hear there is a lot of interest.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Ann!!!! Tango/Cha chat with Giulio sounds so great! I had a swing dance on Sunday night and had 9 participants! AND I have 9 people registered for Fall Term Swing!!!! Much more news to come, so happy to read about your goings-ons. :)
